DaNcE WhEn YoU sTeP

Friday, March 28, 2008

What are the methods that you use in persuading people?

Hello to all…

Thanks for waiting the other side of the topic from this subject. And thank coz read and enjoying my blogger.

This topic was very excited to do because this topic remembers me to persuade people with my product. Back to our topic, the methods that use in persuading people is bring the sample of product or thing that we want to persuade people. When you persuade people to do something you must honest, so you'll be happier getting what you want using this method. When you're honest, you don't have to do things that make you unhappy or things like lying. The lying are unpleasant, uncomfortable, and don't produce enjoyment or satisfaction, even when they succeed. Honest methods produce less stress. To persuade someone, not just use method but to persuade someone, we must try it first and know everything about it. You don't even have to "be persuasive" for this to be effective. In other words, you don't have to be charming or clever. You can simply think it through and then say it simply. To persuade people, honestly tell them what it is in their best interests because people don’t want to do something that they didn’t like.

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